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MVGA NVTNT2MA 32MB DRIVERS DOWNLOADThis item will be shipped through mvga nvtnt2ma 32mb Global Shipping Program and includes international tracking. Minimum monthly payments are required. This item may be a floor model or store return that has mvga-nvtnt2ma used.
Download Driver Mvga Nvtnt2ma 32mb Prolink
The installation involves the fairly standard procedure of switching your display-adapter type to Standard VGA Adapter in Device Manager before powering down to change the video-card and let windows detect the new card and direct it to the location of its drivers, that's it!. The supplied drivers on the CD are old as usual, so I downloaded Creative's drivers from the web for testing its utilities and then downloaded the newer nVidia's Detonator drivers 1.88 for benchmarking and thorough testing. By now, the Creative drivers must have been updated to the latest nVidia drivers. Since the older TNT and the newer TNT2 boards are using the same nVidia driver set, you might think that just swapping your TNT with the newer TNT2 is all you have to do. Well, I tried that at CPU-Zilla's place (he had a Creative-TNT) and that method didn't work. I still had to change the driver to Standard VGA Adapter before changing the driver to nVidia Detonator 1.88 drivers after the reboot. 2ff7e9595c